Monday, March 8, 2010

yundong's Bucket List

1.visit all the wonders of the world.
2.Lean a new language.
3.Plant my own tree and watch it grow.
4.Own a dog.
5.Writer a litter to at least 3 of my closest friends
to let them know how much they mean to me. a book on subject I 'd never reading.
7.Volunteer at hospice.
8.Fly a kit.
9.Try out vegetarianism for 21 days after that,
try veganism.
10.Experience an O B E (out of body experience).
11.Watch cherry blossoms in Japan.
12.Organize a picnic outing.
13.Tell my parents that I l0ve them.
14.Go on a cruise in the sea.
15.Visit a castle in England.


Nicole T. said...

Volunteering a really good thing, I should become more active, too.

John said...
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John said...

best wishes to you!

Unknown said...

wow~you are a out-going person and you like adventure very much.I hope you can finish them one day