Monday, March 22, 2010

I believe in life is wonderful evelyne szeyo

As all we know, life is not always feel calm. However, I till believe in life is wonderful.
I had been in HONG KONG many years ago. There are a lot of Pilipino who worked in babysitters. Every Sunday,they must get together freely in a park. they sang, danced, played guitars, laughed and ate. Everybody was so excited. Their faces made those differences seem smaller. The world seemed simple. I looked at them, at the moment, I had learned something from them: do not expect too much. be satisfied with what you have. Such as your good health, job and a complete family. If so, I am sure, we all will believe in life just as sunshine everyday.
The other person who I had learned from is Audrey Hepburt. In her late age, despite cancer, she was still concerned about the famine, poverty and children in Africa. She gave out all her love to the African. She made her life peaceful and beautiful because of love.

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