Friday, January 16, 2009

Liena Diaz- Auditory

An Auditory Learner

By Liena Diaz

I think I'm an auditory learner: I'd rather listen to the teacher than read from the textbook. I can remember almost everything after a lecture, but I often have problems if I need to remember what I read.
Actually, I learn better if I hear the word's definition or its context, and that's why I prefer to study by myself, repeting hundred of times what I need to memorize.
(When I was a child I played piano, and I always had to say out loud the musical notes I was playing! It was kind of weird for my piano teacher!)

Anyway, even when I'm an auditory learner I also have a little bit of visual. I mean, I usually read a lot from the net and by doing so I have improved a lot, but visual learners love maps, charts and diagrams and I have to confess I'm the worst chart-drawer in the history ever, and I can't understand any maps!

1 comment:

Denise said...

That's a great example of auditory learning -- you saying out loud the musical notes while playing the piano!