Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jose's Bible

For generations the people has been asking, questions like this:
what is the reason for our existence?
why we are here?
what is the purpose of our life?.
In this small, and yellow book, you can find the answers, for this questions, and know what does the bible really teach.
If you like to get this book free, go to this address, for more information.


pures1980 said...

I am glad to see your share. I am studying this book too. We believe in the same truth, and trust in Jehovah to guide us. We may see each other in next district convention. Bless you!

Unknown said...

i love this book, but I don't have so much time to read it !hey,if I have some question about it ,i can ask you directly

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aнекдот для разнообразия :)

Парень склонеят девуушку к близости:
- До свадьбы нельзя...
- Ничегоо, до свадьбы заживет

Я 5 часотв блуждала по сети, пока нее вышелаа на ваш форум! Думаю, я здесь осианусь надолго!
прошу прощения за опечатки.... очень маленькуая клаваитура у PDA!
