This is my wedding ring. It is a very simple gold circle.
My husband gave it to me when we got married 13 years ago.
We have been married in France, in 1997, in a very small village called "Beaulieu", which means "nice place". It is located 1h30 from Paris in the west side.
All our families and friends were there.
I am always wearing it.
Our both names and date of our wedding are written inside.
My husband is wearing the same.
It represents for me the engagment with him and the starter of the building of our family. Which is the most important thing to me.
What a beautiful ring and romantic engagement!!I hope you will be happy with your family forever!France is a very beautiful place that i really want to go
Hi Marie,
You have a romantic husband and a nice family. Good fortune forever.
Hi, i am chao. I know France is a dream place for lovers, so You must had a romantic webbing with your husband. I love and wish to try the food in France. haha.....do you cook in france style? you maybe can fulfill my wish. hahaa...
Hi Marie,
What a beautiful ring. I like how you have it engraved inside, I've been meaning to to that to mine and my husband's rings.
What a sweet ring ! I hope you will be happy forever!
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