Monday, May 17, 2010

Prohibiting smoking inside has been a big debate all over the US and in many other countries all over the world, such as Germany.
Many people think it should be prohibited to smoke inside and around public facilities like schools and hospitals.

I personally think that smoking inside should be not allowed anymore, because there are so many people, me included, who have major problems if someone smokes around them. And if someone smokes there are others not far...
Mostly you are surrounded by smokers and don't know how you are supposed to breathe.
I would agree with separate places for smokers, if there are far away from smoking free environments. But even more then that I would hope that the once smoking will be strong and give it up, for the environment and most of all for themselves...


Frankie ChenZiRen said...

Smoking is harmful to everyone health

Anonymous said...

smoking is bad for your health.
