Monday, May 17, 2010

Causes of poverty in Africa by evelyne

Even though owning all the natural wealth resources, Africa is the most poorest continent across world.
Despite charitable aid such as food, clothes, medications, all kind of survival supplies are contributed continuously, African never escape from hunger and poverty.
Although there are thousands of Africa died every day, populations in Africa never have been decreased.
The leading cause of poverty is poor governance, however, no educations, no knowledge, both are leading causes as well.
So, providing educational opportunities to African, let them having ability to reform their government's policies, get knowledge to create bread and butter by utilizing the natural resources in their own possessions, let them realizing that poverty would have not gone if they had relied on people's help at all. For women, educate them birth controlled plans is partly important to wipe out poverty. Only build a progress society, poverty can end to the cord.

1 comment:

jack said...

Poverty is a big problem.We should feel lucky we are not live in poverty.Saving food and donate some of them to the people is one of the good ways to help them.